There Have Now Been A Whopping NINE Kids Expelled From A Private School In Florida Because Of A Mom And Her Onlyfans Account

USA TODAY -Piper Fawn is the OnlyFans name of Michelle Cline, a mother of two at Liberty Christian Preparatory School (LCPS). She had a decal on her car advertising her account, which some students had reportedly seen.

“The whole kid, mom thing was kind of the hot topic at the moment. It was, like, what we were conversing about,” said the student, who USA TODAY is not naming at the request of his guardian.

A few days later, he was expelled. He said the administrators told him was because he looked her up.  

That was in October of 2023, nine weeks into his second year at the school. Months later, several more kids would be expelled over an unraveling dispute about the sticker on Cline's car promoting her site.

Cline’s two kids were expelled after she spoke to media about being asked to park off campus. Another mother, Lexy Thomas, complained about the sticker on TikTok, leading to her six kids being expelled. In the end, nine kids were yanked from their school year lives.

This story gets more and more bizarrely Florida as more details continue to emerge.

Glenny blogged this story when it broke two weeks ago, 

and then after what we believed to be the first round of expulsions by the school

I'm gonna give Balls the benefit of the doubt here that he didn't include one single photo of Michelle/Piper because he didn't want to punish the readers. I have high journalistic standards though, and did my diligence- providing plenty of them at the end of this blog. 

But back to this story now, this first kid who got expelled back in October needs to hire Jackie Childs as a lawyer because this is bullshit. 

Expelled "because he looked her up"?

Talk about trying to make an example out of one person when literally everybody is guilty. 

This is a boys private high school we're talking about here. I guarantee and assure you that not only has every single boy attending that school visited Michelle/Piper's onlyfans page, but so have all of their dads. And every fucking guy on staff at the school! Give me a break Liberty Christian.

But you gotta tip your cap. Florida, you son of a bitch, you've done it again! Just when we thought we'd seen it all, you deliver a story that encapsulates the essence of the Sunshine State in all its bizarre glory. This time, the spectacle unfolds where the saga of a mom, her car decal, and a Christian school collides in a melodrama so quintessentially Floridian, that it could only happen here.

If this were any other state in the union, besides Florida, I feel like this would be newsworthy. But the fact that it's Florida? I don't know who is more at fault for the lack of common sense and decency here- the Onlyfans mom, or the Catholic School?

Here's soccer mom Michelle Cline, aka "Piper Fawn", being interviewed by her local Fox affiliate about what happened.

Michelle/Piper is just your average Central Florida mom trying to hustle her way through life by promoting her personal OnlyFans account. But Michelle isn't content with mere online promotion; she takes her marketing game to the next level by slapping a reference to her account right on her car. Because, why not? 

(And here's a picture of her car in question from the interview.)

(Sidebar- I'm 99.9% sure all of Dodge RAMs and Durangos come with racing stripes stock in Florida)

Now for the private school- Liberty Christian Prep. 

In a move that screams "only in Florida," school officials put their brains together and come up with the brilliant idea to banish Michelle from using the main entrance of the school, relegating her to a drop-off point across the street. Because, obviously, crossing the road will shield the innocent eyes of Liberty Christian students from the horrors of a vinyl sticker.

But Michelle, ever the Floridian, doesn't back down. She doubles down, upgrading her decal to an even larger display that covers her entire vehicle's tailgate. And in a cheeky nod to the controversy, she shares a picture of her new, improved decal on social media.

In a twist that literally everybody saw coming, the school responded by expelling Michelle's family altogether. Their letter, dripping with disapproval, cites violations of school policies and Florida law, accusing Michelle of essentially turning her car into a mobile billboard for sin.

As the months and years ticked by, Cline figured she was in the clear. She said her kids continued to do well in school, she felt like she had a personal rapport with the headmaster, and she hadn't heard any complaints about it. Then, in January 2024, Cline was asked to park her car off of school grounds.

She said she obliged, but a couple of weeks (and several news stories) later, Cline received a three-page letter reviewed by USA TODAY saying her kids would be expelled.

"Pornography is a sexual sin that destroys lives and breaks up marriages. Young men are especially vulnerable," the letter signed by the LCPS Board states. "We asked you to remove the advertisement, or park off-site. We hoped this loving confrontation would cause you to reconsider and repent of these sins." The letter also mentioned Cline's appearances in the media.

Cline said she could understand why some might find it offensive but doesn't believe it is wrong since she just does it with her husband. "I'm doing the same thing every other married woman does, I'm just adding a camera to it."

As fucked up as you might think Cline is for having that stance and subjecting her kids to this all, the lady who might be even fucking crazier is Lexy Thomas.

Thomas made a TikTok calling for Cline's kids to be expelled and walking viewers through the screenshots of Cline's OnlyFans and social media, which teased explicit content. She said Cline had made the decal bigger when the school previously talked to her about it (Cline says she didn't hear complaints until this year and says this accusation is warped).

Wait. She didn't go to the school board to complain, or rally together other parents and issue a joint complaint or something? She made a tiktok about it all? 

She was pissed that a mother in her kids' school was advertising smut that she makes and posts on her onlyfans around teenage boys so then she promotes it even more by posting a tiktok about it?

One of my favorite parts of the story is that the school board told her that she can renroll her kids if she obliges and removes the decal from her car…

At this stage in the game, haven't these poor kids suffered enough? 

I know it's basically a right of passage in Florida to have your mom's Onlyfans be discovered by all the kids in your school. But after this circus, and her going on the local news and all that? Leave these poor kids alone. Let them enter into witness protection peacefully before they begin their decades-long therapy and treatment. It's the least you can do Libery Christian Prep.

p.s. - You might need a tetanus shot, but here's Michelle/Piper

---- UPDATE ----- 

I guess the mother who caused this giant stir and brought up how offended she was to the school board had her kids kicked out too. Good for the school board I guess?

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